Shows the physical reality of this mountainous country to good advantage without obscuring the places of interest to visitors. The road/rail infrastructure within the country is well shown with perhaps more villages being included than would normally be the case.
The road network in surrounding countries has been simplified to focus attention on Switzerland itself. Touristic points, such as castles, fortresses, ski areas, and museums have been included, but we removed a lot of data, such as gas stations, schools, post offices, most churches and police stations in an effort to avoiding cluttering the map with an over-load of information.
The Geneva side of the map goes from the airport in the north to south of the Old Town and from the Lancy area in the west to the UN complex in the east, showing an improved range of major buildings and businesses as well as hotels, restaurants, churches, tram and train lines and stations.
Scale 1:7.000/1:360.000.