Leveringstid: BOOKBOX levering på lager 6-7 dage

Tears of the Giraffe, ER C

Precious Ramotswe is Botswana’s first and only  female private detective. One day she is visited by an American woman, whose son died a mysterious death 10 years ago, and she agrees to investigate the case. Meanwhile her fiancé, Mr J.L.B. Matekoni, is talked into looking after two orphans. Can the engagement now survive? Moreover, his housemaid is plotting to get rid of Precious so she can continue to meet her male “friends” at Mr Matekoni’s house during the day. And  finally Precious’s secretary, Mma Makutsi, is promoted to assistant detective and gets her first case: a husband wants to know if his wife is being unfaithful. How will it all turn out?

Easy Readers er bearbejdede og forkortede udgaver af romaner og noveller. De findes på niveau A, B, C og D, hvor A er lettest. Niveauerne relaterer til Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (level A2 til B2).



139,50 kr.

På lager: På lager

Forfatter: Alexander McCall Smith
Varenummer: 9788723541031
Sidetal: 96
Sprog: enu
Format: Hæftet
Kategorier: ,

Precious Ramotswe is Botswana’s first and only  female private detective. One day she is visited by an American woman, whose son died a mysterious death 10 years ago, and she agrees to investigate the case. Meanwhile her fiancé, Mr J.L.B. Matekoni, is talked into looking after two orphans. Can the engagement now survive? Moreover, his housemaid is plotting to get rid of Precious so she can continue to meet her male “friends” at Mr Matekoni’s house during the day. And  finally Precious’s secretary, Mma Makutsi, is promoted to assistant detective and gets her first case: a husband wants to know if his wife is being unfaithful. How will it all turn out?

Easy Readers er bearbejdede og forkortede udgaver af romaner og noveller. De findes på niveau A, B, C og D, hvor A er lettest. Niveauerne relaterer til Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (level A2 til B2).



Vægt 200 g
Størrelse 8 × 115 × 190 mm

Easy Readers



Easy readers


Tears of the Giraffe, ER C

Forfatter: Alexander McCall Smith
SKU: 9788723541031

139,50 kr.

Leveringstid: BOOKBOX levering på lager 6-7 dage
Kategorier: ,
Format: Hæftet
Sprog: enu
Sidetal: 96

Precious Ramotswe is Botswana’s first and only  female private detective. One day she is visited by an American woman, whose son died a mysterious death 10 years ago, and she agrees to investigate the case. Meanwhile her fiancé, Mr J.L.B. Matekoni, is talked into looking after two orphans. Can the engagement now survive? Moreover, his housemaid is plotting to get rid of Precious so she can continue to meet her male “friends” at Mr Matekoni’s house during the day. And  finally Precious’s secretary, Mma Makutsi, is promoted to assistant detective and gets her first case: a husband wants to know if his wife is being unfaithful. How will it all turn out?

Easy Readers er bearbejdede og forkortede udgaver af romaner og noveller. De findes på niveau A, B, C og D, hvor A er lettest. Niveauerne relaterer til Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (level A2 til B2).



Vægt 200 g
Størrelse 8 × 115 × 190 mm

Easy Readers



Easy readers
