This book is the result of an extensive research on the special connection between parents and children, animals and their owner. Aside from the authors own experiences with the connection, this book also contains interviews with a number of practitioners from across the world. The practitioners are: Inna Segal (Australia), Tedd Koren (USA), Terry and Tanja Murphy (New Zealand), Silvia Marti Korff (Spain), Ignasi Planavila (Spain), Maria Kramer (USA), Gitte Sperling (Denmark), Nils Rosted (Denmark), Deb Snyder (USA), Tami Lynn Kent (USA), Gerry Bostock (Australia). With the help of the contributor’s stories the book attempts to explain something unexplainable, and by reading this you will get an insight into the connection and hopefully an awareness of your own, your children’s and/or your animal’s lives. At the same time you will perhaps get a better understanding of the challenges the life brings you and how you can get through them. The hope of the authors is that this book will make you more consciousness as a person, and more aware of the way we influence each other.